Business Services

Business Services

The efficiency of your day to day operations is probably the best way to optimize your profitability. Whether it’s changing a business process to make it more efficient, or simply motivating your workforce, Microbyte, Inc.’s business consulting can help. Some of the business services offered are:

Process Analysis

Your business processes are your company. Everything done in your organization is associated with a business process. Optimizing them will only make your organization stronger and more profitable. Have one, or all, of your day-to-day business processes analyzed to determine how they can be improved. Sometimes it’s as easy as paperwork reduction, sometimes there’s an IT solution to make it more efficient. If 30 minutes of work for an employee can be reduced to 15 minutes, you’ve doubled their productivity, and increased your profit.

Undercover Boss/Mystery Shopper

Nothing tells you more about how your company is running than by working as an employee or shopping as a customer. Get the scoop on the best and the worst aspects of your organization from the inside. This service can provide a valuable insight into the internal running of your organization.

SWOT Analysis

Microbyte, Inc. will perform a SWOT analysis of your organization. It will show you the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats of your business from a business process and/or a marketing perspective. Take advantage of your strengths and opportunities, and reduce your weaknesses and threats to improve your company’s bottom line.

Bookkeeping Service

Microbyte, Inc. can provide simple bookkeeping and accounting services. We can set up a completely transparent bookkeeping solution so you’re free to run your business. Reports can be set up to be delivered on a regular schedule electronically, or on demand. Call or E-mail for details!